Monday, February 21, 2011

Start of week 5

I didn't know what to title this post, so I went with the generic start of week 5.  Today was close to a regular day at the resort.  This week the resort is at full capacity, which includes some guests from other countries.

This morning's hike was at Backbone Canyon.  By the way, I was assigned Backbone on my second day and this was my worst moment.  My feet had blisters on top of blisters and this hike was the hardest on my feet.  Since then I have been looking forward to going back to this trail for revenge, but it actually didn't happen this morning.  We were in Backbone Canyon, but took another trail.

The trail was muddy from last week's rain and the cold weather took the breath right out of me.  Despite this, I did well and the halfway point was at the parking lot at Castro's Crest.  Our group decided to take the road back to the resort rather than the muddy trail.  It was a wise decision.

At one point in the hike, we could see Zuma Ridge on one side and Castro's Crest on the other.  Here's the pictures.

On the way back to the resort, we passed by this one house with some old gas station stuff in the front yard.  Take a look.

Every day there is one class in the pool that I can't describe what we do.  On Mondays the other classes are core training and circuit training.  Core training is self-explanitory where we train all of the muscles in the core.

When I had a personal trainer at the gym back home, we had several core training exercises that consisted of easy, medium, and hard exercises.  The core training class here is 45 minutes of all of the hard exercises from my personal trainer.  We do crunches (obviously), planks, superman, bridges, and the bicycle.

Closing thought for the day:  Today I went back to Backbone Canyon and conquered the trail.  Even though it wasn't the same trail from my second day, I still feel it was a great accomplishment and the perfect way to kickoff my second and last month at the BLR.

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